Wednesday, May 15, 2019

April 20th (Easter Egg Dying/Trampoline Fun)

 The navy wall is coming along!! Wahoo...I am so excited for this accent wall.
Grandma Joy came over this morning to dye Easter Eggs!

Trying a new way...with cool whip!

Ella eating some cool whip! Yummy!
I think they liked this part the best.

You leave it on for 10 minutes then wipe it off.
It makes them tye dyed!
This afternoon we were invited down to jump on Noah's trampoline with the sprinkler on! 
Still not super warm but warm enough.

After dinner we headed over to the Tebbe house to check out their new deck and roof!! We ate dessert and had a drink then went home to get ready for bed!! Can't believe its Easter already!

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