Sunday, September 9, 2018

September 8th (TAYLOR SWIFT CONCERT!!!!)

 We rolled out of the house a little before 4:30..Nick, Adelyn and I to go meet some friends at Buffalo Wild Wings in Lee's Summit since they live in Pleasant Hill.
 These girls are super excited for the concert!!
 Jayme and Mike...Rees' parents.
Nick and I.
They food took forever so we were a little later to get to the stadium plus the line was soooo long to get into the concert, but we got to park almost front row because the way we came in! Ha. Winning.
 Arrowhead here we come!
Can't believe I am going to see Taylor Swift finally! I might be the most excited.

 We are ready to go. A little chilly out here...but we brought our jackets.
Walking inside...sooo excited.

We found our seats up high in the 300's...but its ok!! You can see everything from up here...the stage was huge!

 She came out in a Chiefs Jersey!! Wahoo!
We bought binoculars just in case...but the big screens helped a lot. You could see everything perfectly.

Couldn't get a good picture...dancing to the Havanna song that she sings.

Taylor is about to come on!!

 Here we go!!!

 The stage is opening for her to come out!!

 She is here...I can't believe it!! I have been wanting to see her perform for years!!
 Are you ready for it???
 Love her glitter outfits.

 We all got bracelets when we walked in that coordinated with her they controlled the colors of our bracelets through the whole 2 hour performance!! It was amazing to see the whole crowd light up with different colors...the coolest concert EVER!!!

 Fire and fireworks over and over again!! Amazing!!

 We didn't know all of her new songs but she was so entertaining that it didn't matter!!

 Snakes are coming!!


 It is so beautiful!!

 Time for her to get into the light up circle thing to travel to the other stage!! Awesome.

Shake it off...shake it off!!

Having fun!!

 Look how lit up it all is!!!
More fireworks!!

Awesome...I can't believe this is happening!! 

 Time to walk over to the other small stage!! She walked through the secure crowd touching lots of peoples hands!
 These people must have been freaking out!! They didn't want to let go of her hand!! ha.

 Taylor Swift talk to everyone a few different times about how she loves all her fans and just little stories...she seemed so down to earth and appreciative for everything she has!!

Traveling back to the big stage now.

 She played the guitar and piano!!

Mine and Addie's wrist bands!
 We are never ever ever getting back together!! (One of my favorite songs!!)

The final song!!
I can't believe she preformed for 2 hours straight!! She also changed her outfit 5 or 6 times.
She also announced that this is the most people ever in Arrowhead even including the Chiefs games!! many people love Taylor Swift!!
This was the most amazing concert ever!! 
This one will be hard to top....great night.

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