Saturday, September 1, 2018

August 25th (Day 2-Boat Shoot Out/Tres Ombres/Captain Ron's)

Swimming on the lake and watching all the boats race! Wahoo.
Yes I am drinking water...I didn't feel too well this morning!
 All the boats across the lake lined up watching the races...they said there was probably 10,000! We were on the other side since that is where Jeff and Lynette's lake house is.
Allison and Jeff.
Nick and Jakes cup with a boat going bye.
Missed Heather and Bill.
 Swimming fun all day.
Went back to change and go eat dinner at Tres Ombres...mexican for dinner!!

 Ladies picture!! We had so much fun.

Heading back out on the water to go over to Captain Ron's!

This is that life!! Love riding on boats!

Sean and Nick scissoring!!
(Inside Joke of the Weekend)
Perfect timing on the sun going down. Love these pictures on the lake.

 I mean come on this is so gorgeous!

 Huge house on the lake!

Wow Nick!

 Captain Ron's here we come...round 2.
 A bunch of the speed boats are here after the race so you can look at them! Very cool.

We all just kind of stood around...since everyone is tired and a little hung over!
But then the main stage opened with a great classic rock cover band!
We danced to some great songs, people even danced in the water....looked like fun if I was in my suit and was drunk!

What a great night.
We headed back around 10 hung out at the house then headed to bed by 12.
 I need sleep!!

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