Monday, September 3, 2018

September 2nd (Labor Day Party)

We found a dead stick bug on the deck this morning.
Ella helping Nick with the grass..I tried to grab my camera when she was in the grass but I was too slow.

Ready for the party to start at 3!
Foods here...time for the party to start!

 Enjoying the shade while the kids were swimming!!
 I don't think they are having any fun?? Haha.

 Best bud picture!! Mike and Jeff. LOL!!

 Baby Pierce came to visit!! He is just the sweetest baby!
 Just hanging out in the shade with his grandma Heather.
Baby Max and his mama Sasha are here also!

 Bill, Heather, Pierce, Carrie and Brian..neighbors!!
Rees, Addie and Emma.
 Jake being silly.

Me, Nick, Mike, Jayme, Cortnee, and Brock. 
Nicks old work buddies and their wives.
 The kids ate dinner then dessert and kept on swimming!!
Adult Popsicle time for us!! Thanks Sarah.

Still swimming!!
 Brian, Zack and Dave hanging out.
These two are always up to no good.

What a great night of drinking, eating and swimming with great friends!
Thanks for everyone for coming!!

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