Sunday, September 9, 2018

September 8th (Adelyn's 1st Volleyball Game of the Season)

 Working on the poster for the concert!
Adelyn all ready to go to her volleyball game!

 Here we go!!

 They lost the first set by only a couple points.
 Switch sides...2nd Set!
 Go Holly...she got 5 in a row!
 Adelyn got 5 in a row!! Go Addie.

 They lost the 2nd set by a few points also.
 We had to leave to get home for the concert so we left a few minutes a text the girls won the 3rd set...yay yay!! Go team Crush!!
 Came home to Oliver relaxing on the deck railing! Silly kitty.
It finally stopped raining from the last 4 days!!

Pretty Ella waiting for grandma to get here to hang out with her while we take Adelyn to the Taylor Swift Concert!!

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