Saturday, September 29, 2018

September 21st (4th Grade Field Trip/Dead Rabbit/Volleyball Practice)

Sporting my new earrings from Mindy that I love!
Lizzie and I got to go on the field trip today...Ernie Miller!
These girls are so excited to be in the same class this am I!!

And we are off to walk on the trails to meet some people to tell us about their lives in the back in days!!
Great cool day to be going on this field trip...yesterday would have been miserable!! Loving this weather...can't wait for FALL!!

 1st stop-Indian

Going to get Henley.
Now Hank.
 Zack and Ethan are up!

 Pretending to skin a buffalo.

 Now the girls they would help with the killings.

A yucky part! You can see in Adelyn's face. ha.
Jaylan is up.

These girls are too adorable! Don't grow up!!
 2nd stop-Pioneer Woman
 She is putting these kids to work!!
 Riley, Savanah, and Daphne got chosen to clean dishes!

Aprons are a must in the kitchen...I use mine every time I cook now.

Noah pouring out the left over dirty water.
 These kids got to stuff the sheets to make beds out of hay to sleep on. Not my kind of mattress.

Nate got to try it out.
Last up making butter for the Johnny cakes she is making for everyone.

Shake shake to make into butter.
Adelyn and Tinsley.
Jaylan, Jillian, Abby and Holly.
I caught Mrs. Andersen shaking..Adelyn's teacher.
Johnny cakes...they are corn bread but no sugar! 
Not a lot of taste!!
 Time to square dance!!
 Girls in!
 Boys in! Bringing back elementary square dancing memories! Ewww...boys!!
Time to keep on walking to the 3rd stop!!
 Trying to get the boys in a picture! Ha they wouldn't stop moving.
1st field trip of the year for us!
 I thought he was a pirate...but Adelyn says he was a beaver hunter! Whatever...he was pretty funny.

Showing how they would sit in the canoe.

 The teachers got to join in on the fun...haha.
 Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Vanhoose and Mrs. Andersen. They all seem super nice and awesome.
 After this we got to go eat lunch all together.
Then headed inside for a little chat about all the people we met.
We got to see the big tippee. The parents opted to stand outside!
We headed inside again to play old school games.
The kids loved these!
Tucker and Noah.

It was a fun field trip. Adelyn said her favorite ever!! Well that's a bonus.
Lizzie dropped me off and I had about 30 minutes before I had to leave and get Ella.
I walked in and saw this lovely dead rabbit my cat brought me. Gross. Great now one more thing I have to do! I am exhausted but I have to keep going.
Cleaned it up with some bags! Ugh!!
After school we hung out and I made a fast dinner, so we could head out to volleyball practice.
I really wish I could have grabbed pizza and a movie tonight instead!
The things we do for our kids.

 Adelyn is doing so well at Volleyball! This maybe her sport.
This was our view on our way home...could barely see out the window!
When we got home this view was a lot prettier!!
Time for bed...I am exhausted from this long week and day!

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