Monday, September 3, 2018

August 30th (Neurology Appt/School Skating party)

This morning Nick and I took Ella to her Neurology appointment. He had a rain day so he got to join us. We are here for a follow up. We decided to make sure Ella isn't having seizures at night anymore we are going to do a 48 hour seizure stay at Children's Mercy. So Ella and I will get to stay there to see if she is still having seizures at night. I am sure it will be exciting. Ha
After we took Ella to school around 10:30, Nick and I headed out to run some errands and got planet sub for lunch.
Then I headed up to Dinosaur Den to put in some in service hours.
After school we headed home to eat dinner early.
Nick stayed home with Ella so I could take Adelyn to the school skate party.
Adelyn was so super excited!!
 Daphne and Violet already on the skating rink.
 Here goes Adelyn.

Violet is a great skater.
Trey skating.
Adelyn decided to not use the skater helper anymore. Ok good luck.

 These girls are having fun.

Trey and Eli.
 These girls are took cute for words!!

 Adelyn, Holly and Daphne...they are too cute!

 Playing a game.
 Limbo time!!

 Daphne and Violet hanging together.

Wow what a great night!! Adelyn skated the whole time except to grab a free Popsicle. I got to chat it up with my mom friends! Great evening!!

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