Sunday, July 29, 2018

July 4th (Happy 4th of July)

Loving my new camera...It works awesome. There is 50 times zoom. Amazing.

Love this picture of my girls!!

Look how nice our pool looks. Just trying out the camera more.

 It's time for Adelyn to go to her last swim practice. We went today so Nick could see her. Since he can't go ever.

 Ella watching and making a new friend with a swim teacher.

 Relaxing..what a hard life.
Had fun swimming and really improved herself.
She really is a great swimmer with great form. I guess we will see if she keeps it up.
Back home time for some swimming. Some of the neighbors came over to swim so then I could send Ella out to get some baking and cooking done.

 Adelyn and I with our firework cake.
Homemade apple crumb yummy.
Time to get ready at the last second to head to Grandma and Grandpa's house for the 4th!!

Love these festive girls!

 Family 4th of July photo!!

 4th of July pic with our cousin's...Garrett and Colton!!

 How adorable are these boys!!
 Ready to dive.

 Party in the pool.

 Lots of family over here this year. My parents pool looks so nice and blue with their new liner.

 Love the air she got here.
 Go Ella.

 Ella with uncle Kevin.
 Cousin Dusty with his wife Katie.
 Aunt Molly with her grandson Garrett.

 Colton jumpin in.


 Cousin Aidan playing with Ella.

 Being silly with cousin Aidan. Adelyn and him play so well together.

 Ella and a little boy of Stephens friends.
 Uncle Kevin spinning them around and around together.

 You just have to love Garrett's curls!! And did I mention I love my camera! LOL
 What are these three getting into.

 Max is here and ready to join the party.

 Cousin Dusty and Nick.
 Colton and those blue eyes.

 Lets get out of the pool and change to do fire works!!

 Here goes Adelyn.
 Uncle Jeff loves fireworks.

 Aunt Lesley, Aunt Maggie and Pat.
 Look at this little chunk of monk!!
Tried to get a family shot...but Max was to distracted.

 Family shooting fireworks together. Sweet.

 Smoke bombs are fun.

 Aidan dancing around with a sparkler.

Got me some Max time in.
Ella wanted to sit with her mama.

Me and my mom.

What a fun 4th of July this year. Lots of family around this year. Yummy barbecue and treats.
I came home to this kitty wanting to cuddle with me because of all the fireworks going off illegally around us. Well I guess I know one way to keep this cat inside the house. Ha.

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