Sunday, July 29, 2018

July 10th (Arboretum/Swimming/Saki)

 It's a little hot out but we hit up the arboretum for some fun.

 Loving my camera out here. I caught some great pictures of a butterfly.

 Super cool!!

 Solar bugs!! Very fun.

Walking to the train.
 This is so cool. Never saw this last time we many miniature trains. Very fun.

 I love all the little details.

 Percy is even here.
 The train goes under our feet.
 So fancy. This place is definitely worth checking out and its free on TUESDAYS!!

We are getting a little too hot!

Time to eat some lunch and go swimming at home.
Loving the pool life!!

 Daddy's home...time to swim with Daddy. This is their favorite thing to do!

 Attacking her Daddy. Stole his glasses.

 Time to go in the air!!

 Lets get out and go get some Saki for dinner with my family.
 Ready for some yummy food.

Wow this is sooo good. I could eat here everyday!!
Stephen is going home tomorrow...but we will see him soon in Colorado!

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