Sunday, July 29, 2018

July 6th (Friday Funday)

Deanna Rose
 1st time at Deanna Rose with the Bayer Boys and Bekah.

 They are too cute.

 Piglets!! My Favorite.

Ella and Carder sweet.
 Adelyn and Tucker.
 Gotta have the cow picture.
 Milking the utters.
 Baby Calf.

 Tippee time.

 Sprinkler fun...the kids got soaked! But they loved it.

 They re designed the waterfall!!

 The new area in Deana fancy!

 Bobcat was out.

 And there is a "dab" still don't know what that even means!
 Cutie Ella.

 Bekah and I!! We have been hanging out a lot this summer. Our kids get along so well together..makes it easy.

 Went to Sam's for lunch and to pick up a few things. All the kids lined up to eat.
After lunch we headed home to change and go swim with the Bayer's at RP pool.

Fun Friday for sure!!

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