Friday, July 27, 2018

June 30th (My girls)

As I was relaxing on the couch today from my fun concert...the girls played pretty well together and even dressed up!! Super cute.
I kept telling Ella all day that we would swim later so finally after dinner I let her while Adelyn and I played cards on this gorgeous day in the shade.
 Happy Ella playing with her cups.
Phase 10 with Adelyn. One of her favorite games like me!!

Swimming fun.
Happies girl ever in the pool.

Jumping in.
A little hung over but its almost bedtime for these rugrats.
Happy girls...Happy Dog...Happy Life!!
Unfortunately Nick had to work and it turned into the whole day!! He was exhausted to say the least after staying up till 1:00 last night and getting up really early. I love you honey for all that you do.
He held my hand when he went to bed!! 
How sweet.

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