Sunday, September 17, 2017

September 9th (Day 2-Beaver Lake)

Feeding the baby doll on the screened in porch. Enjoying our quite morning.
It is super peaceful out here. No noises at all.

Ella enjoying feeding her baby.

Uh Oh found another scorpion outside at the house! Yuck.
We got the old White boat was built in 1977.  They had it made along with another cousin having one other one made the same! Pretty is time to get it back in the water after 10 years of not using it.
Diva's are here!
Grandma is ready to go.

At the campsite to put the boat in since a tree fell into our path to were the boat would go in at.

Here we go!

Time to go for a ride!!
Three happy people enjoying a boat ride. The girls first small boat ride ever!! So excited.

Holding on for dear life...she was happy but a little scared.
Grandma Joy enjoying the boat.

Grandpa likes to go fast.

I love Ella's smile here.
Lots of big gorgeous houses on the lake.
This one is amazing!!

Addie loved the boat ride!
The water was a little chilli to get into so next summer we will have to go swimming.

We stopped at the Marina to have the boat looked at since the shifter messed up when we were driving, but the mechanic wasn't in so we got to feed the huge koi fish.

Time to go for another ride and then to pull the boat out.

We got back and hit up the beach at the campsite to play in the water!

Wearing my Nanny's towel romper! She used to wear these all the time when we would go down to the lake! 
Adelyn looks so old in this picture!!
Happy, happy girls playing in the cold water. Ha.

We headed back to the house to change and eat lunch. Then we were off for an adventure to the caves and to get ice cream!!

This cave is were I used to play with my brother and is still standing and amazing as it was when I was little!

Adelyn loved exploring...Ella was a little nervous. 

Time for a cave selfie!

We were pretty high up!!

This tree is pretty cool!
Next stop...The Short Stop!
Now this place used to be the Bus Stop when I was younger and they made the biggest ice cream cones ever! Well the place burned down a few years ago and they re built a bigger place!

Adelyn got her own...a baby size. It was huge.
Nick and I each got a small...which was huge!! We shared with was a lot of ice cream.
But the large was GIGANTIC!! I would say a 32 oz cup with a cone on top...haha. I wish I would have gotten a picture.

We found a little playground for the girls to run around for awhile at.

I love this picture of Adelyn in the sky with the tree.

Last stop Mt. of the highest points at Beaver Lake.
Gorgeous views from way up here.

Adelyn took our picture!
She was not thrilled about going up here but then warmed up to the views once we got here.

We headed back to the house. And we started grilling out steak for dinner! Yum.

We love us some PaPa!!
Beaver Lake 2017
The front of the lake house.
We put the kids to bed along with Nick...haha.
I decided to relax with some tv....and Roseanne was on! Yay my favorite show of all time...and it was a Halloween episode.

I had to take a picture of the BLUE toilet in the bathroom...I think there might need to be a little updating!!

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