Monday, September 25, 2017

September 22nd (Running with the Bears/Ice Cream)

I came up to Ella's school today for the Running with the Bears. So we started off dancing in the gym. Where I met Bray, Ella's new friend. Who happens to be a friend of mines from Highschool! I know crazy! He is so sweet with Ella...the para Sheila told me he loves Ella and helps her at school all the time!! This just made me so happy. Everyone else in her class was very sweet with her also.

Ella and Bray!!
Now time to go out in the heat and run through the obstacle course!
 There she goes in her green dress!!

 Going through the ropes on the ground.

 Under the ropes!!

 Under the tape.
 Time to jump over the sharks.

 Waiting in line for the jump house obstacle part.
 Love being able to do these things with my girls!
 Another little girl that is in the CBR classroom with Ella she is in 2nd grade.

 Here she is!! All smiles.
 Time to swing and play on the play ground while we wait for a Popsicle!

 Yum the whole class eating popsicles together!!
Are these not the cutest Kindergarteners!!
Is it hot or what??? The first day of fall my butt! Ha!
After school today the girls played with all our beanie babies we have now. 
I got a elephant and a leopard that we had babies for. The girls were excited and played really well together after school today!
 Picking and choosing which one they each wanted to play with for the day.

 After some dinner we headed up for some yummy Dairy Queen! Why not its friday night and its hot outside on this first day of fall!!

Happy girls with their ice cream!

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