Sunday, September 17, 2017

September 12th (Cheer practice and Swim Lessons)

Adelyn looking super cute today. 
She also is bringing in a dead scorpion we brought back from Arkansas to show her class today.
Ella enjoying her book before school today. She is too cute for words!
KC Firecracker Ella!!
Wahoo...lets go Ella!!
Ready to go watch Ella cheer!

Nick was home today early so Adelyn got to stay home during Ella's cheer and just relaxed while I was gone.
Then Ella and I ran back home to eat dinner with Nick and Addie.
Lastly Adelyn and I headed out to swim lessons!!
 Adelyn loves swimming lessons. The teachers are awesome!

 Adelyn swimming back on her back.
 Happy happy girl.

Watching and relaxing while watching my Addie get better at swimming during every lesson.

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