Tuesday, September 12, 2017

September 2nd (1st Time Camping @ Clinton Lake)

On our way to Lawrence...Clinton Lake here we come!

We are here and its really a campsite...we are really doing this! 
Hundreds and hundreds of people are camping this weekend!! Wow!
Chad and Trey slept here last night and are waiting for April and Lauren to get here.
Also Dave, Ruth and Noah are joining us today. Time to put up our tent!

 Chad and Nick got it done!! Great Job...the girls are sooo excited.
 Got the inside all set up!

 Our tent is in the back all set up!
Everyone else got here and it was time to eat some lunch.
 Lauren, Noah, Trey and Ruth. We all brought sandwiches and sides to share.
 April, Addie, Nick and Ella.

Addie showing Lauren our tent.
 Happy little kid campers!
 Throwing the Frisbee around.

Lauren found a caterpillar.
We all got changed into our suits and headed to campsite 3 to get in the lake!!
Adelyn photo bombed!

   A long ways to get to the beach....like a thousand stairs..ugh!
Selfie walking.
 Kids dived right in to playing in the sand...happy kids equal happy parents!
 April's quote: "No more parenting girls."

 Chad going out to relax in the raft... I think the kids maybe trying to follow him.

 So this boat was absolutely ridiculous...it came in super far to the shore. Like hello what the hell! This is not allowed. Well our kids and Chad were out that far so they had to swim towards show because of the boat.
 Well as it got closer April started yelling at the boat and then Ruth let them have it!!! She stormed out into the water and yelled "what are you doing...that boat shouldn't be here!" The boat peeps just gave her a thumbs up...geez. They picked up a grandma and 3 kids but you are suppose to do it around the corner.
 Ruth walking back...super mad!! Go RUTH!!
 The 3 mama's relaxing together.

 Parents relaxing!! Yay for the beach!
 All the dads.

 She wanted her Daddy to join her in a swim.
We stayed for a couple hours then we all packed up took quick short showers and headed back to camp to start doing dinner.
Getting the fire going to cook.
Snack time for Ella.
 Mom's getting things ready.

 Playing with some neighbor campers....Cady (really name Acadia). She is in 3rd grade also.
 Her little brother Brodie. He was adorable. Playing washers.

 Potatoes in foil and hamburgers for dinner. Along with hot dogs later...yummy!

 Everyone was super hungry!! Yay for food...and good food!
 Playing freeze tag.
We met our new neighbors earlier at the lake they had three kids...Desiree and her husband. Well they had a animal chat at Campsite 3 so April and I took Lauren, Adelyn, Ella, Acadia, and Broydie with us. Nick and Chad met us. (Yep we took new peoples kids with us no big deal...haha. I guess we seem pretty trusting)
 Playground at campsite 3. The kids loved it.
The animal talk was over when we got there but they got to check out all the turtle and snakes. They even got to hold the snake!! So cool.

Ella is not a fan of snakes so she just touched it! Great job Ella.
We got back right before it got dark and we headed to an open field nearby to set off some light up helicopters you use with sling shots that Ruth brought! Fun. They worked pretty well.

 To end the evening we did smore's of course!! All the kids used head flashlights...it was the cool thing for camping!

 Happy tired girls!!
We did a quick run to the bathrooms in the car and then I laid down with the girls to get them to go to bed...and it worked!!
The adults then sat around the fire with our new friends and drank. I brought my blackberry wine from Nashville and shared with Desiree! Great time with new friends and old!! Yay to camping...so far...I still have to sleep..well hopefully!

Snapchat is not good in the dark!! Boo!!

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