Saturday, September 30, 2017

September 26th (Cheerleadind/Deck/Swimming/Bunco)

Ella love Cheerleading!! She is so happy!
The older cheerleader helpers are so wonderful with all the girls!!

Working on her cheer...finding her spot.
I came home to Nick and Jeff working is so scary how high up they are. Geez! I do not like this project!!

And there is a hole in the house...awesome!

 Now Dennis is here to supervise!
 I was cooking dinner watching this...ugh!! Stop Nick please stop!
Glad I got to leave to take Addie to swimming.
 She is ready to swim!! She just loves swimming lessons!

Adelyn treading water!!
Well I had to leave quickly after dropping Addie off since I had bunco at 7 and we are down to one family vehicle since Nicks starter just went out in his big truck. So I had to get home drop my car off so Nick and Ella could go pick up Addie by 7:20. Then I walked over to Bekah's house to then walk up the street from her house to Vicki's for Bunco. I felt completely out of it there since my allergies started kicking my butt today! I felt all bobble headed!

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