Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 27th (6th B-day Addie/House Warming!!)

1st up from 2-4 Adelyn's 6th Belated Birthday Party!
Rainbow, Unicorn Fantasy Birthday Party it is!

                      Bridget and her grandma Sherrie are the first to arrive. Pool time.
Such a happy excited can't wait to have fun little girl today!
Bridget is excited to be in the pool.

More friends are here...the Washington family.

                      After an hour of swimming time to open presents and cookie cake.

She got money!!
Cute puppy and purse holder.

Monster high girl!! Loved it.
Loved the whale for the pool from Auntie Lisa and Cousin Brennen.
This was to cool...Nana got the constellation of the sky on the day and time of Adelyn's birth. Super cool..she loved it a lot and is really into constellations right now.
Another cool gift...Lincoln Logs from Uncle Jeff. She loved it and it had horses.
Cookie Rainbow Cake.

                                                                    Happy B-day Addie.

Back to more swimming they go.

 Finally got the food out right on time for the House Warming Party at 5....let more fun begin!!
                        I was so excited that my grandma Jacky got to come....we live so close and she loved watching all the kids in the pool from the upstairs window. She did great and enjoyed all the food.
Jace's dad, Jeffery was our savior today. While I got things ready upstairs and nick ran out to get chicken Jeff and Debbie totally helped us out with Ella since she wouldn't get out of the pool for anything. Thanks so much.
    Happy Happy kids in the pool
 Yes that is uncle Jeff on the whale and right after this it flipped The kids barely got out of the pool.

Tiffany's little girl and Ella got along great. 
(I actually got her out of the pool so I could get her to eat!)

Time for the pinata that we didn't do at her b-day party since there weren't many kids. I am glad I waited because the kids were so excited!
This is the only thing Adelyn requested for her b-day party. She loved it.

Each kid got 2 whacks and then Ethan got it done.

Mia and Ava got here in time for pinata and some food.
Ella showing me her new bracelets from the pinata.
Amy and Hollie
 Brennen about to throw water on Ethan I spotted in the
    I was busy so I didn't get to take as many pictures or see Adelyn, since she was in the pool the whole time.
Jayme and me.
                              Chad, Nick, Hollie and Justin
Jason and Rachel.
Matt and Kerri
                                                         Finally I got a drink and Ella to bed!
Love this picture of the kids. 
We finally got the kids out of the pool around 9:30 or 10. Time for jammies and movie with popcorn.


                                    Doesn't my husband look hot in that color of shirt...I picked it out!
Time for champagne now...wish I wouldn't have. lol
What a wonderful day we had. It was a little stressful planning for 2 parties in 1 day but it all worked out in the long run. Adelyn loved her birthday. She didn't have many friends, but more showed up for the house warming. Then the house warming went great. Everyone loved our house and pool. This house is set up perfectly for parties/pool parties. We are in love with our new home!! Thank you for everyone that came out is was a blast!!

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