Monday, June 22, 2015

June 12th (Heritage Park Play/Swimming!)

                         A impromptu meet up to play on this first cool morning in awhile.
No picture!!

                                                      I just love this of the 3 girls!!

We had fun playing. Then headed over to Amy's mom's house to play and eat left over Sam's pizza. Amy's house is now on the market!!
Daddy got home and was ready to play!

Time to relax with a drink...malibu and pineapple!
                           Are they not the cutest and soooo ready to get in the pool...FINALLY!!
                                     There she goes jumping in the pool right away!

Daddy did a shallow dive.

                                                                           Happy Family.

She likes the stairs.
After some pictures I got to get in the pool. It was actually warm surprising to me since my parents pool is usually freezing at the beginning of the summer. But ours is smaller and gets more sun. It is super nice to already be around 80!! The girls were just so happy to be in the pool...and didn't want to get out. Bed time here they come.

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