Tuesday, June 23, 2015

June 18th (Johnson County Museum/Winsteads!!)

                                    Here we all go in Erica's car...the girls were so excited!!
                                                      Aren't they adorable!!
1st time going to the Johnson County Museum and it was a hit and FREE!! 

Time for the show from the girls...they were all so cute trying to put on a few plays. They changed a bunch of times. Erica and I enjoyed sitting and chatting while they performed. I also took a video...maybe for graduation in the future!! lol.

                                      This is what all the stores look like in a row. So cute.
Then we moved onto the farm in the next room. 

                                                         Cute farmers!

Around the corner neat old things from all ages in the glass...then to the old house we go.

They had hens with eggs...so cute.

After our inside fun. We headed across the street to eat our sack lunch and to play at this nice playground.

She loves to swing.

Bridget did great climbing the whole thing!

                             We had 5 happy happy girls today. Lots of fun..excited for next week.
        Crazy afternoon....David my stepdad came over so he could look at our pool. After an hour we figured it all out. So the girls and I decided to go out to dinner at Winstead's...super yummy. Daddy had to work late at a side job.
Special chocolate frosty.
We got back and Adelyn's new chair got here in the mail. She loved it and so did Ella..I knew I should have ordered her one.
(Later I went on and ordered her one!! It will be here soon.)

                                                        Adelyn's rm!!

Ella's rm.
         Ella wouldn't go to bed so she fell asleep with me rubbing her back in our bed while I talked to Nick on the phone!
She looks so sweet with her Brave horse!

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