Monday, June 1, 2015

May 5th (Last Day in Galveston!!)

1st stop Moody Gardens...The Aquarium was first up. Moody Gardens is in these awesome huge pyramids.

Sea Turtles are adelyn's favorite she says.

This turtle had a lucky hand fin. Adelyn saw it and it reminded her of her friend Bridget...we had to get a pic to show her.

Megladon Mouth...huge shark!!

Sea favorite!

                                                                    Touching starfish!

Sharks above our heads...freaky!

The Aquarium was super neat...then it was off to the rain forest for some more fun.
                                  It felt just like a rain forest. Super humid and really pretty.

Looking at bats. 

The rain forest was really neat with lots of close up animals. We were starving by the end so off to Whataburger for Daddy. We all have never ate was great!

Very clean place.
Time for our last time at the Beach! It was super windy and a storm was coming soon.

Ella just loved the sand.
Adelyn loved jumping in the waves with her Daddy.

                                                Tried to get a family

Running and playing. We also found a bunch of shells!!

 It was time to go once Ella started looking like this and the wind wouldn't stop blowing. So sand was going in our eyes, mouths and hair. We headed back to the condo to take a shower and get ready for dinner.
 Our last dinner spot was The Spot!! I wanted to go here since before we left for our trip...they have awesome specials during the week...including pina coladas for $4!! They were sooo good.

The food was so good and fast.
Tonight was a lot of fun. The Spot is super fun and would be a great place to go if you don't have kids. Cheap drinks!! lol Getting excited to go home...the trip has been up and down!!

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