Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 9th (Grace Carnival Family Fun!!)

Ella trying to climb up the game instead of put the ball down! Lol
                                                     Adelyn has such a good throw!

                     They had a petting/feeding zoo with a camel...it was pretty cool.

While I waited in line for the pony ride...Daddy took the girls over to feed the animals. Adelyn loved it.

     Pony ride was a hit with both girls...Ella's 1st time doing it!

Face painting time.
Adelyn in front of her flower she made that was in the multi-purpose room at her preschool.
Tonight Daddy got home from work and we headed up to the Grace Carnival. It was awesome...all FREE!! There were games, crafts, pony rides, petting zoo, face painting, hot dogs and ice cream sundaes. The girls had a lot of fun and it was nice being together as a family, since Nick has been working so hard on the deck.

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