Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 14th (Adelyn's last day of PRESCHOOL/Summer Birthday Treats)

                           Daddy went and got the donuts for us before school...so sweet!
    Holts donuts in Grandview all the way...the best of the best for my daughters birthday treat day!
Yum...pudding filled is the best...so fresh!
Adelyn still wants to be a VET!! Last day 2014!
August 2013...1st day of Preschool!

                                                            Enjoying a yummy doughnut.
                                                          Teacher Presents!!
                                                  Treats for Adelyn's summer birthday.

Today Ella and I headed up to Adelyn's Preschool to bring the teacher gifts and to celebrate her summer birthday with her class. It was fun reading to the class and being there on her last day of school She just loved being at Grace and will miss it. I loved her two teachers...what a great year!! I guess I have an almost Kindergartner!!
 After school I had the idea to meet up with her two best friends in her class and have a picnic. Unfortunately it was freezing today but the kids didn't mind. Ella also loved chasing around the big kids.
Once the girls got home they found their summer fun buckets! 
We had such a fun day today! Now time for that summer weather to come back!

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