Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 11th (Happy Mother's Day...love my two sweet little girls!!)

Mother's Day @ The Kansas City Zoo!! Tradition for the last 3 years!

 1st time going on the sky lift at the zoo...Adelyn loved it but Ella was scared half to death, glad we only went one way and walked back through the Africa.

The hippo was out. It was fun to see her walk around, eat and then go into the water.
                       All the lions were resting but at least we could see them from the window.

                                                      Love my 3 little girls...2014!!
We came home and ate our cupcakes my neighbor/friend Debbie gave us for watching her cats and dog while they were at Branson. They were from her friends cupcake shop in Springfield! They tasted yummy!
 I forgot to turn this but Adelyn colored her card for me from school and inside was this. Super cute..I copied the idea for Adelyn to do for her grandma's. Love her answers...lol.
What Adelyn picked out for me for mother's day.
I had told Adelyn that I wanted a ice cream cake for Mother's Day so she made sure Daddy got it for me! Yummy..from Dairy Queen.

Well I will say that this Mother's Day didn't go as planned...well what I thought might be in my mind. Dad's just don't get it...sorry to say that, but they don't. I am not going to sugar coat it, but I was not the happiest mommy today. The girls let me sleep in and were super sweet all day. I loved my flowers, our trip to the zoo and the ice cream cake, but maybe next year Daddy will pull it off! Sorry honey but sometimes you need to try just a little!
I will say though that I love my 2 little girls and wouldn't change them for the world! Love you Adelyn and Ella!!

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