Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 7th

I tried to get a cute picture of Adelyn today since she had on this adorable dress. It doesn't look as cute as it is in person. 
  Ella eating her HUGE She wanted it so I let her have the rest of it! After lunch it was time to get in the this 80 degree weather.
 I filled the pool this morning after we got back from taking Adelyn to school so it would be warm after lunch. It was a little cool but they still got in and had fun.
Ella loved it this year now that she can stand/walk. She is wearing her new swim suit from Grandma and Grandpa. Cutie.
Adelyn was trying to avoid the shot I took. lol It turned out cute though.
 Adelyn then headed out to Jasmines with Kelsey and Peyton came over with Ella to play. Oh and Dusty came over to play with Mayva. Ella just loved Peyton...she would just laugh and laugh at him.
                                              Are these two not adorable or what!
After lunch and swimming Ella was super tired but didn't want to leave her buddy and the lovely outside weather. I am loving this weather and can't wait to go swimming myself in a BIG pool.

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