Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 10th (Busy Fun Day!)

          Adelyn's 1st hair cut in a hair salon. She loved it...she just needed a trim and I got one also!
After we checked on our neighbors cats, got our hair cut, we went to Walmart and then got McDonald's for Nick, Nanu, and ourselves. I was worn out and so were the girls...aka the picture below of Ella napping! Love napping pictures.
                                                   I could watch her sleep all day!!
 Mother's Day dinner at K Macho's mexican restaurant in Olathe. It is super yummy and it was nice getting together!!
Had to take some pictures of the deck. Daddy is doing such a good job...can't wait till her is done. Excited to get some nice furniture and get the hot tub Memorial Day weekend!

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