Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 12th (Adelyn's Preschool Graduation/Ella ER visit!)

She is just too cute for words...ready to go Graduate!! 

                                     Time for the girls to get one together..so cute!

Love my girls...Can't believe how big Adelyn is already! Glad it is just Preschool and not high school!! ahhh
Daddy with his girls.
Time for the ceremony to become!
                                                       Here she comes...so cute!

 First was the other class to sing and then Adelyn's class got to go on the risers and sing...then we could see her better!!

She got her diploma!! What a big girl.
Adelyn's best girlfriend in class...Lilly!
Adelyn's boyfriend, Charlie!!

 Adelyn with her two teachers, Mrs. Kari and Mrs. Mary Kay...they are so nice!
Adelyn's choice for dinner...Burger King!! Yippee! Lol
                  Nana, Grandma and Grandpa also watched at graduation and joined us with dinner.
Shortly after dinner Ella was playing on the chair and fell straight backwards on her head. She was hysterical and got a HUGE bump on the side of her temple. Since she wasn't calming down and it was a head injury. We headed up to the ER right up the street. It wasn't crowded so we got in and out pretty fast. They said it should be okay, since she wasn't throwing up or passed out. But to wake her once or twice in the night to make sure she is okay. What is funny about this whole thing though is Ella is wearing the same dress that Adelyn was wearing at this age when she pulled her arm out of place and we had to go to the ER on my birthday...I think the dress is going to go now!! lol Glad my baby is okay!

                                                 Here is the deck so far...looking good honey!

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