Sunday, August 11, 2013

July 27th (Rees's 4th Birthday/Stephen's 27th Birthday @ Jazz)

Rees' 4th Birthday Party!!

Adelyn with the birthday girl...they were a little cold since it was a really nice day!

                                                                   Pizza time for the kids.
The kids loved the inflatable slip n slide....weeeeee!!
Ella and I played inside for awhile since it is my comfortable on her knees.
                                                        All lined up for the water balloon fight.

                                                             Dains family picture!!
Present time..she got some cool gifts.

Loved the cake!
At the Jazz for Uncle Stephen's 27th Birthday. Ell and her Grandma.
                                                                  The card Addie made Stephen.
Grandma got cupcakes from SMALL CAKES...yum!
                                 Quick family picture then time to go walk around the Legends.

Today was so much fun going to a birthday party and then out to dinner at the yummy Jazz. Fun..lllooonnnggg day! Now I am exhausted and going to

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