Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August 7th (RAINBOW PARTY @ the SImmon's House!!)

We got here a little late because the girls slept in...but they got to make a fruit loop bracelet..yum!!
Love this shot of Ella and Ava together.
                Our Rainbow Party Table...great job Erica. We had Rainbow Jellow, Rainbow cookies, Rainbow Cupcakes, Gummi Bears, Fruit loops and Cheesitz. Along with punch.
                                                                 Rainbow Girls!!!

                                                      More Rainbow Shots of the Girls. 

Time to eat our snacks!! And use our cute drink cups from Erica!
                                                              Aubree the littlest cutie!

Sweet Mia.
They loved playing in Emerson's room with all the toys.

Cupcake Time!!!
Today was so much fun having a Summer/Rainbow last playdate party at Erica's house. The girls just played and played. We got some adorable shots of the girls...which I will treasure forever!! Lots of fun with great friends!!

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