Thursday, August 29, 2013

August 27th (Playdate with the Washington Friends)

This was so cute of Ella waiting for her friends to get here!!

All the kids playing with each was really nice seeing them get a long pretty well.
Jace and Ella liked watching Adelyn cook things in the microwave!
Jace loved the blender.
                Look at these great friends...they play so well glad they are my neighbors!!
                                Ella and Jace playing the piano was such nice music.
                                At Grandma and Grandpa's house to swim and crash for dinner!
Grandma joined us in the pool. Ella liked being free from this floaty and swimming around with moommy. Adelyn was so excited that she can now touch in the shallow end. She is getting so tall!!

Today was so much fun. We had a playdate with our neighbors for about 3 hours at our house, which was great to catch up with Debbie and just let the kids have so much fun playing. I think Jillian and Adelyn would live with each other if we would let them.
After a much needed nap for Ella we headed out to Grandma and Grandpa's for a swim and steak dinner. The water felt really nice...and Grandma was very nice to let me swim so laps while the girls played. Then dinner was actually at 6 pm which is sooooo early for my parents. The steak was great along with the mozzarella and tomato's...Adelyn ate more steak than
It was nice not having to cook with the girls and no Daddy. But so ready for him to come home...we miss you Daddy!

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