Monday, August 26, 2013

August 24th (Sam's Club/Brennen's football practice/Jose's 30th Surprise Birthday Party!)

                              Eating hot dogs before we head around Sam's with Grandma Joy!
        Adelyn enjoying her huge slurpy!! lol The girls did well walking around..I got each one of them a new book. Ella's was a cute book with lots of animals and Adelyn's was a barbie book with 9 stories!! Fun times with Grandma Joy. Then we were offf to meet Daddy, Auntie Lisa at Brennen's football practice. I felt bad for him because it was soooo HOT!! He did great though.

After we got home we hung out for a couple hours before our neighbor Jose's 30th birthday party. We headed across the street to surprise him...which he had know idea. The kids played and we ate some really good sandwiches. Since it was a long day the girls went to bed early and we got to relax the rest of the night!! Fun day!

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