Monday, July 15, 2024

June 28th (Springfield Mini Trip Day 1-Dinner @ Civil Kitchen/Airbnb)

We got to Springfield around 5:30 pm. 
We headed to Civil Kitchen, it had amazing reviews.
We had to wait 45 mins, ugh!!
So we walked around since it was downtown area and we stumbled upon the Springfield sign!

A tree growing threw an old telephone booth!

A huge fish sandwich for me and Ella to share! Wow.
It was yummy, I think it could have cooked just a smidge more and the fries were cold. Boo.
Nick got a chicken wrap, which didn't have a lot of chicken, but his fries were super loaded!
Adelyn got a chicken sandwich, looked amazing! Wish I would have gotten that but Ella wouldn't have eaten it as well!
I think they were so busy that the food wasn't as good, but the flavor was yummy!
We headed to our Airbnb near the bar Nick will be playing darts at tomorrow.
The Airbnb wasn't in the best area, but it wasn't loud. I guess we will see how this goes. Ha.


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