Monday, July 15, 2024

June 26th (Erica's House-Memory Lane/Swimming Fun)

Erica pulled out the old photo books to go down memory lane with the girls! 
So fun and we were soooo young!!

I drew the picture of Me, Erica and
Showed the other couple to Adelyn-Melissa was her photography teacher! Ha. Love it!
Coach Green was Adelyn's Volleyball coach at CT and is one of Ella's Paras now.
Can't believe our oldest are now the age Erica and I were when we met! I can't believe we have Sophomore's now??!
Acting out one of my ice cream photos during Dawson Creek night! Ha.
Time to go swimming before we have to go.
They are the prettiest!

We had a lot of fun and the time flew bye. 
But we had to get home since Adelyn had volleyball tonight.
I came home a made blueberry muffins with our fresh picked blueberries, yummy!

And my favorite thing to do is make a crockpot meal before we go somewhere, then I don't have to do a lot when I get home!!
Beef Stew for the first time, it was yummy!


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