Thursday, July 4, 2024

June 14th (Ella giving Blood/Krispy Kreme/Swimming)

Ella had to give blood to test her seizure meds so we got Krispy Kreme donuts after for a treat!
Enjoyed some swimming to end the day with Ella.


June 12th (Neighbor Sarah's Garden Vegetables)

Lettuce and green onions for the win!
Thanks Sarah, her garden is growing amazing.


June 11th (Yogurt & Fruit/Father's Day Gift For David)

Vanilla yogurt with fruit including peaches!! So good!!
Getting David this for Father's Day to use at Beaver Lake.


June 10th (Haircut For Ella)

Inspo for Ella's haircut.

Turned out cute and will be so easy to deal with this summer.
Adelyn is growing out her hair now. I told her she has to take care of it.
Love when our pool is crystal clear!
Adelyn had volleyball tonight.

Go Addie!

June 9th (Frisbee Fun/Walk with Ella & Nick-Snakes)

It's been raining a lot this whole month. Rain cleared out so we headed out to throw the frisbee around.
Ella has been throwing the frisbee at summer school a lot. She does really well. It was a lot of fun at the park.
Saw some snakes by the creek when we went for a walk. The one above is a huge black snake, yuck!


June 8th (Dutch Baby/My Potatoes & Plants/Ella & Her Friends Swimming)

Made this Dutch Baby for the 1st time!

This was so good with maple syrup!
Time to dig up my potatoes that I have been growing.

The biggest one was rotten, others were smaller but we grew them! 
My green bean plants are growing like crazy!
I put bamboo sticks in to help support them.
Broccoli growing.
Tomato plant, hopefully this works out it's an heirloom! 
Zucchini plants in the back and sunflowers in the front!
Lettuce and something else I planted that I can't remember.
Ella's friends Brighten and Lily came over with their moms.
Brighten happy as can be in the pool.

Lily is here now.

Great time with Ella's friends and their moms. It's nice to talk with other mom's that have special needs kids, they just get me!! We need to have a mom night out soon!

June 7th (Swimming)

Ella wanted to swim again today.
I laid out to get some sun...white legs! Ha.
Little butterfly on my foot!


June 6th (Swimming w/Neighbors/Taylor's Birthday Party/Life 360)

Ella all cute and ready to go swimming with Jake our neighbor!

It was so nice to have Carrie and Jake over to swim! It was hot and felt great!! 

Adelyn headed to Taylor's 16th Birthday tonight. I dropped her off at Taylor's then they headed to Theater in the Park to watch Bye Bye Birdie. Adelyn's first time there! She loved it!

I love Life 360! Fun to watch where everyone is! Ha.


June 5th (Chicken Salad)

Yummy Chicken Salad!


June 4th (New Cinnamon Roll Recipe)

Look at these!!

Wow these are the best I have ever made!
So rich/sweet and delicious!!