Sunday, June 16, 2024

May 28th (Adelyn's 15th Birthday-Starbucks/Potato Soup/Celebrating)

I asked if she wanted Starbucks for a morning treat, um she said yes!
Ella got one too! I might have shot my self in the leg! Ha.

I got a blended chai tea, yum.
Made homemade chicken broth today since I was out.
Finally Nick got home to celebrate Adelyn!
I got her some car stuff and a Scentsy warmer for her room.
Then I made potato soup for her birthday, her request. 
We will go out to dinner on Thursday for her birthday.
Chocolate pie!
Can't believe my baby is 15! 
How the time flies!! Ahhh!
She is really turning out to be an amazing young woman!


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