Friday, June 7, 2024

April 26th (Craig's Funeral-Flower Prep/Setting up at Community Center/Funeral/Shark's)

I made most of these. I got flowers cheap from Sam's club and made these!
We go to the place 30 mins early to set up everything.
Luckily there were a lot of us so it went fast.

Family photo before.

Ella loves Aubree.

Grant starting off the sermon.
Lisa did a great speech.
Nick did amazing as well.
Everything went great and so many people came out to show how much they loved Craig.
It was a very long and draining day. 
We were all hunger so we headed to Shark's Bar for dinner and darts, which Craig would have loved.

Food was yummy and much needed!
Lisa changed her shoes, her feet hurt.
Lisa and her bestie Cassie.

We headed home and got ready for bed!! Long long day. We will miss you Craig!!


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