Wednesday, June 12, 2024

May 25th (Strawberry Picking @ Gieringer's with Nick/Walking/Strawberry Jam)

We headed out late morning to go pick some Strawberries with Nick. His first time ever! It was a gorgeous day and we wanted some yummy Strawberries before the season is up.
Going on a hay ride to the Strawberry Patch.

Nick enjoying himself.

Oh Ella, her face.


We did it, picked 7.5 lbs of Strawberries.
Glad Nick got to come with us, he never gets to do these kind of things with us.

Long line for treats but we got a Strawberry slushy and a Strawberry slushy with vanilla ice cream!! Yum.
We headed home to make a late lunch with Adelyn. 
She didn't want to pick Strawberries, teenagers!
Oliver, you are one happy/lucky kitty!
Walked down to the playground with Ella tonight, when it was shaded.
Made Strawberry jam today too for Nick, I don't like jam.
What a great Saturday!!


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