Wednesday, June 12, 2024

May 22nd (Last Day of School-1/2 day/Adelyn's Friends-mini pool party/Oliver)

Last day of 9th Grade!!
How is this happening?? What happened to my little kindergartener??

Last day of 6th grade!!
My baby is going to 7th grade, how??
I enjoyed the last 1/2 day to myself.
Here come the girls walking home from school.
Kaia and Taylor came home with Adelyn to eat and swim!

Walking buddies most days.
Snacks and sushi, what more do you want. Lol.

After snacks we all hit the pool, Lil joined us after she went to lunch with friends from ONW.

Love it!

Too cold for me...I will enjoy some sun though.

They would act out skits to movies. 

Ella joined in to play.
The girls left around 4pm.
And then look what I found out front.
I think Oliver loves the planters Nick built for him, lol.
He lays in them all the time.
Wow we have been busy. Hopefully things slow down with Summer here.
I didn't have a BIG party like normal this year with mom's and kids. It felt a little weird after 8 years of doing it but I just couldn't pull it all together, plus kids are getting older!
Still had a fun time and so did my kids! 
Here's to hopefully a fun not so crazy summer??!!


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