Wednesday, June 12, 2024

May 15th (Thank You Pot/Bean & Veg Salad/Swimming Banquet)

Taylor brought me this sweet pot to thank me for letting her come to our house everyday she needed too.
Thanks Grant and April.
I love it!
I made this bean salad today for lunch and to eat during the week.
Trying to make vegetable salads for during the week to eat something healthier. It was yummy.
This week is busy!
Adelyn and I headed up to CT for her Swimming banquet!
Coach Youker is such a sweet coach, saying nice things about each girl.

He did silly gifts for funny things through the season. It was pretty sweet and funny.

They catered chipotle yummy, but they did forget sour cream! Boo.

Adelyn with her best friend Kaia, Kaia was on dive team!
Adelyn had a lot of fun on swim team and wants to do it next year as well.
Glad she is having a great Freshman year.
I can't believe school is almost over!


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