Wednesday, February 12, 2020

January 31st (Mini Girls Big Cedar Trip: Day 1)

Chiefs Friday!!
Super bowl in just 2 still can't believe we are in the super bowl!!
Bekah picked me up at 1 pm to head over to get Eva and then to hit the road!!

We are so excited!!

Outside pictures are always better!!
 Yay we are soooo ready and need this relaxing weekend!!
 Stopped at Amish trading post and bought some peanut brittle! Ha.
Our view from our room! Gorgeous!

Time to pop some bottles!!
My bottle wouldn't pop...Bekah took like 20 are a few! Lol.

It did finally popped so we could have a drink before heading out for dinner.

Going on the shuttle to dinner!! 
We got to dinner...Eva and I had trout...yum!
Then we headed back to the room to just hang out and catch up on gossip!
We stayed up till midnight just having fun and enjoying each others company...great start to a relaxing mini vacay.

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