Monday, February 24, 2020

February 16th (Ella's 8th Birthday!!)

 Happy birthday Ella!! How are you 8 already?? The time has flown bye!!
She is ready to open presents this morning.

 A new scooter for Ella.
Ella has her own volleyball now.

Dinosaur fun!
Baby Shark games!! 
Baby Shark....she was SOOOOO excited!!
New bows!

I always get the other one a little something...Adelyn a new water bottle and a boxy girl pet.
 Fun new toys for Ella.
GO Ella!
We played at home and ate lunch then it was time to head up to the Olathe Community Center for Ella's party at 1 pm.
Baby Shark Theme for Ella!!
She loves it!!

 I made chocolate cupcakes and a vanilla  cake!!
Baby Shark cups with playdoh and goldfish for take home gifts!!
Asher and Lily are here!

 Lots of friends are here.

 Everyone is here!! So many people love Ella!!
 Present time!

 She got lots of baby shark and peppa pig stuff!!
Cake time!

She loves when they sing happy birthday!

Blow it out with your nose Ella!! Ha.
 Mint Ice Cream for Ella with her vanilla cake!!
Max got to eat his like a big boy at the table next to Ella.
Let's go swimming!!
 Ella and Isabella two peas in a pod!! They played together almost the whole time!
 Playing with Jake.

 Carder and Porter!
 Lily with Ella ready to play in the water.

 Lily Ella's best friend at school! Love their friendship.

 Nick and Jeff with Ella and Max.
I caught Tucker, Carder and Porter before they ran off to play.

 Here goes Adelyn.

Me and Nick with our big 8 year old!!
 Lily with her dad Benji!

GO Violet!!! Off the high dive.
 Emerson and Aubree having fun!

Could barely keep up with these girls....jumping and slides!!

Daphne did it...she jumped off the low dive!! Great job.

Pretty girl!!

Loved catching up with this girl!!
We need to get together soon. Life just gets in the way. 
Ella had a great time....we headed home to change and then get ready for dinner.
 Wow Ella got so many great toys for us to play with!! Yay!!
Time to eat Margaritas with family!!
 Peppa Pig movies from Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Stephen. And Aladdin along with 5 for Ella!! yay.

 Ella loves her some Brennen and Aubree!!
Auntie Lisa got her craft stuff and a target gift card!

Yummy dinner with family!
We blew up Ella's scooby doo from the Stiver Family....its so BIG!!
What a great birthday for Ella!!
My baby girl is growing up...NOOOOO!!
She had a great day and went right to bed after all the excitement.

Loves all food!
Loves Peppa Pig and Baby Shark.
She likes to play on the tablet now.
She got new blue glasses.
Her favorite dessert is ice cream...likes Mint A lot!
Love going to school.
Best friend would be Lily at school.
Loves books still.
Still loves to play out on the deck!
Loves wearing dresses.

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