Thursday, February 13, 2020

February 9th (Mother/Son Event @ Skate City)

 Cookies, water bottles and glow sticks ready to go!!
 It's a glow night so we have the glow sticks for the boys!!
Fun prizes for the boys along with gift cards to raffle off!
Mrs. Huftles with her son, she is our Art Teacher!
 Lots of mom's skating!!
April and Trey are here.

Ruth and fun!
 Sarah and Eli.
 All the cute kindergarteners kept falling!! Ha.

 Ross in yellow has broken his collar bone a couple times in the last few years so he wasn't able to skate, but he still had fun!!
Candee and her boys!

Dana and Hunter.
Mrs. Vanhoose and her son...she is a 4th grade teacher!
 Eli, Nate and Trey.
 Cute Kindergartners.
They got their skates on now.
(I am April's personal
Ashlee and Cameron.

Adelyn's teacher Mrs. Seward with her boys!
Her boys are kindergarten and 2nd but they look exactly the same...crazy.
Bekah's neighbor and son!
He ended up winning  a gift card.
Mr. O and I in the DJ booth!!
Were cool and we know
 Time to do the raffle!
Mrs. Huftles son won the lego set...he wanted this sooo bad!!
Slim kit won by Deaclan!
Sarah on PTO and her son.
 Noah with some other boys.
 Cari Bates on PTO with her son Mason.

Sarah Peterson with her 5th grade son Ryan who won the Chiefs Mahomes poster.
Carmen who is on PTO with her son Ross!
Wow what a great night.
We have been doing CT pool and basketball for mother/son event for the last 3 years. So nice change for my last event.
I got here a little before 5:30 to set up cookies, drinks and stuff.
Then moms and sons got here from 6-8.
They had a lot of fun with each other. It was a successful night for sure.
I think Mandy will be doing it next year as well.
It is bitter sweet to be done with my last PTO in charge event, but I am still doing V-day parties on Tuesday and helping with Lion Stampede so still have plenty to do! LOL.
I will miss you RP!!

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