Tuesday, November 26, 2019

October 31st (Happy Halloween-Morning Gifts/Sarah's Brunch/School Parties)

Halloween morning!!
Little gifts for the girls.
Happy little girls!

Halloween outfit and ready for school.

After I dropped the girls off to school I had to take a picture of our lovely scenery!

Really??? Snow on Halloween!!
I ran around all morning getting things ready for Halloween tonight and for 5th Grade Party.
I took a little break to head to Sarah's for Brunch. 
I mean a girl has to eat...even though I was totally stressed out.

 How many pictures does it take to get a good one...also the phone was perched on the stairs. Ha.

After this picture Lizzie and I were off to get crock-pots and all the decorations to the school!!
Time to get this party ready!!
Luckily I had some other mom's join us to help along with Ashlee who is helping with the parties.
Wow that was a lot of work...glad I have so many friends!

 Games ready to go.

 Food table!

Estimation Jars!! Super fun.
We headed to the gym to get seats to watch the Halloween Parade!
I got to sit by Erin and Lizzie.
Some of the momsquad!
Then Carey had to be on the other side by herself.

 Here they come! The office staff were bad guys from Ghostbusters...while Mr. O was a Ghostbuster!

Carder and Ewan.

 Bekah is a contestant on the price is right!

 Daphne, Amelia and Adelyn!
Time to head to the party.
 Food line!
We had cheese dip, smokies, salsa, apples w. caramel dip, cookies, and monster munch-lots of mixes!! Along with mini pops, Gatorade and water.

Mal and Evil Audrey.

 Everyone having fun...eating and playing games.

Mr. O getting his much on!!


Love this girl.
I would do anything for you...like plan a huge 5th grade party! Haha.
Sarah is awesome.
Bekah and Tucker.

 Mummy fun!!

Lizzie, Pamela and Ashlee.

Savannah and Riley.
 ELL paras!! Got to come eat!!
 These cookies were amazing from Price Chopper that Dana got.
Thanks for your help ladies. 
After the party we had to clean up...I was already so exhausted, but had to clean so I could head home to get ready for people to come over still!!
Oh geez...this year is busy!!

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