Tuesday, November 26, 2019

November 3rd (Science Experiments/Ella's KC Cheer Spectacular!)

 Adelyn did some science experiments for extra credit today!! Great job addie.

Oh Mayva you crack me up!
 Look at all that candy!! Too much I say! Ha.

After lunch it was time to go to Olathe South for Ella's KC Cheer Spectacular! 
She is super excited!! 

Ella with Breanna and Isabella!

Go Ella Go!!
I video taped it also!! She did great and was all smiles.

She has the wave down!!

Go Firecrackers!!
Team picture at the end!!

Then after pictures...Mrs. Heather came over to give Ella flowers and give her a hug!!
Tears were in my eyes...this is Ella's Para!! I love her!! This meant so much to me and Ella. 
Ella was sooooo excited to see her!! Wow Ella has some amazing people in her life!!

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