Saturday, November 2, 2019

October 25th (Ella's Halloween Party/RP 20th Anniversary Celebration)

We were running around a little crazy today.
Sprayed Ella's hair blue for her blue leopard costume at school today.
 Pictures from school from Ella's teacher! Ella with her CBR class.

Ella with her para Heather...she is just the sweetest! She even embroidered Team Ella on her race shirt!! 
Ella enjoying treats at her Halloween Party in 2nd Grade!
My mom isn't the best at taking pics, glad to have Heather help! Ha.

I can't make her party today because of Adelyn's 20th Anniversary parade and celebration. She is the lion so I can't miss it!!
My mom is going to Ella's party which she is so excited for her to come.
Adelyn really wanted her picture taken...ha. 
Nick got home and we headed over to Lizzie's house to park and watch the parade come!!
Here they come!! yay. So cool.
CT band and Olathe East Cheerleaders also were in the parade.
 Wow here they all come!! That's a bunch of people.

 There she is!!! Go Addie!! Lookin good.

People have lined the streets to watch the parade...yay!!
 The 5th grade floats..birthday cakes! Look cute.

 4th Grade is here.

 3rd Graders.

 2nd Graders.

 1st Graders.


 Nick and I walked down towards the school to get more pictures of the parade!! Here they come to end their one mile walk!

 There is Adelyn again!! She is doing great. Luckily it wasn't too hot out or she would be dying now.

Our handsome Principle!!

We headed inside to get some seats to watch the assembly.
I found Violet.
Adelyn got to take of her head!!
 All the kids are ready.

Teachers that used to work here got up and shared memories!! Very sweet and great memories.

Mrs. Welch just retired last year and made me cry!!

Kids sharing some speeches.

The kid above was here from 1st to 6th grade is now a lawyer!!
His pictures are below.

 Mural the whole school made with Mrs. Hufles the art teacher.

Putting things in a new time capsule.

 Each kid got a yo yo with RP on it and it lights up. Dawn our secretary showing the kids how to do it. She is so awesome.

 All the 5th graders standing up front represent different things at RP.
 The last remaining RP Staff in picture above from 1999!!
 The secretary/lunch lady doing a speech, then Mrs. Stortz and Mrs. Walser-both Addies' past teachers. Then Mrs. Blackwell-Addie has for Speech! How fun!!
Giving Mr. O a brick from 1999!!
Wow what an amazing experience to watch. I cried a couple of times. We love RP so much and will miss it next year for sure!!
We grabbed Adelyn for some pictures after the assembly!!

We love you Adelyn!
So glad Daddy made it happen to come with us!!

Nick and I walked back to Lizzie's and waited for Adelyn to walk home with Daphne.
Grabbed a cute picture of these three!!
We headed home to rest a little bit then we were off to Sarah and Zack's for a family friendly Halloween Party!!

Pictures from other people from Parade!
Adelyn's class before the parade!
 Adelyn got to stand by Daphne and Abishtree, 2 friends!! Awesome! Love this picture.
Holding Mr. O's hand in the parade! How Sweet!

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