Thursday, October 19, 2017

October 8th (Cider Mill/Cat Sanctuary)

These girls are excited for the Louisburg Cider Mill today!

Family selfie before we run out the door!
We are the first ones here!!
Time for a few pics.

The simmmon's girls are here...and they are all matched up! Lol.

Chatting it up!

All the girls are together again!! We love the Cider Mill pictures!!

Family photo time! 7 years in the making!

Our normal picture spot since 2010!!

Friends since Junior year of high school!
Ella enjoyed watching the cider being made.

Checking out all the pumpkins. They had a different set up this year. But it was still fun...but only porta potties now. Not fun!!

The two men that were here with us 10 women!!
Friend fun!
Erica borrowed our witch head band!
Time for us to head to the Cat Sanctuary in Louisburg!
We have never been but were super excited to check it out. We love big cats!
You start off seeing tigers right away!! Amazing. Don't worry they don't just stay in cages they have a big open space to run around in.

 They were so beautiful!
 I was so excited that they had 2 white favorite!! So so so pretty.

Tiger in the background!

 Very pretty smaller cat...can't remember the name of it.

 We went on a tour with some other people...they offered to take our picture and I took theirs. They were an interesting group. The two women kept asking weird questions about how to get a tiger cub! People be crazy!!!
 The tiger followed us around!

Onto the lions!

 White wolves! Really pretty and lazy! ha.
Last picture of the tiger following us around till we left!
We left late like 12:50 and we hadn't eaten we were starving!!! We still waited and ate at Salty Iguana in Overland Park...amazingly good..but we were just a little Hangry by this time! We ran into Sam's for a few things and headed home! Great family day!

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