Friday, October 27, 2017

October 12th (Ella's Field Trip to Johnson Farms)

Bray and Ella ready to go to Johnson Farms!!
(Bray is actually the son of a friend from high school that I knew and now Ella is friends with him! How cool)

He was so sweet to hold Ella to make sure she was safe without seat belts!
Cutest picture ever!
Its a little cold out hopeful it warms up sooner than later!!
All the kindergartners listening to directions.
Going on a tractor is freezing!!!!!!

It was too muddy to go into the pumpkin patch but we got to see it!
Piggies everywhere! So cute.

Baby chicks.
Wow this HOG was HUGE....over 600 lbs!!
We got to see the new baby piglets.
Time to go play in the big barn playhouse area with slides and tunnels.

 Obstacle course...Mrs. Chewning was so sweet to help Ella.

 Happy girl.
 Mrs. Chewning's Kindergarten class 2017!

 Playing on big trucks and in the mulch!

 All the kindergarten classes together.
 We ate lunch in a covered area were it was warmer then out into the cold again we go.
 Outdoor huge playground with lots of couldn't even keep track of the kids. And all their feet were freezing.
 Love going on field trips with my girls.
These things are awesome...blobs to jump on!!
Molly, Mrs. Chewning, helping Ella feel comfortable. Thanks so much.

 Some of the parents got on and then got in trouble...NO ADULTS they say...but we paid $8 to get in. Ridiculous!! I was too cold to jump! Ha.

GO Ella!!
It was time to go pick out pumpkins and get back on the warm bus!! Yes!

What a fun, cold field trip. I think everyone would have enjoyed it more if it was warm out. Of course when we got back from the trip the sun came out and it was warm! Oh geez. 
Good thing is the kids enjoyed themselves and I met some other nice mom's in Ella's class.

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