Wednesday, October 25, 2017

October 10th (Dolls & Donuts/Vivi Day/Cheerleading)

 Gift cards for Dolls and Donuts.
 Ready to roll out early in the morning to do donuts! I am already tired. Ugh.
All ready to go before everyone gets here.

My partner who helps with the donut and dance jobs!! 
 Mr. O is announcing all the winners for the raffle.
We also had dress like your mama contest and guess what....WE WON!! I couldn't believe it! How cool we won a $30 gift card to AMC. (Which I picked up with PTO money yesterday..haha) Adelyn was super excited and Ella didn't want to let go of the gift card. What a great time.

 Lots of moms and daughters enjoying time together.
Ella showing me her splits!! Go girl.
After we cleaned up I was off to take Ella to school then home again to watch Vivienne for my friend Katrina.
I have a packed long day ahead with a 3 year old again!
She was so excited to come over and play at my house.

Giving Mayva some tea!

She went from one thing to another all morning. 

After some playing we left to go to her ballet/tap class.

 She was soo cute!
We were starving after class so we hit up chickfila for lunch! 
She chowed down. 

We came back to my house to relax and watch a movie until she got picked up from the babysitter. Great day with a toddler...I am exhausted but she was super good! I think she maybe a little tired.
Vivi and I picked up Ella from school and then she got picked up from babysitter so I could go take Ella to cheerleading! Go Ella.

Ella loves Cheerleading!

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