Sunday, October 1, 2017

October 1st (Is it really!! Roof Deck/Ella Bella)

Snapchat is so silly sometimes!
Daddy made us homemade pancakes. They were yummy and fluffy!!
We used some snapchat fun on Daddy also...hahaha.

 Here we got...more roof progress today! Nick is doing an awesome job along with the two Jeff's helpers.

 Up high again but a little safer!!

Looking good guys!!
Ella is enjoying her snack and watching the guys work on the roof. She loves to be outside no matter what.

Happy girl. 
Adelyn went to her friend Nora's house to play and then to musical practice so me and Ella got to hang out! We had a nice time together. Played in the playroom and went for a walk with her baby!

Love my time with just her...I sure miss her during the day most days! lol.
I just thought I would have one more year with her at home 1/2 days...I miss my baby girl. 

My pretty 5 year old...please time slow down!! I don't want them to grow any bigger! 

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