Saturday, January 7, 2017

January 5th (Freezing Cold but we must play in the SNOW!!!)

We headed down to Ruth and Noah's house to play in the snow with the McCloskey girls after school. The kids were super excited but it was SUPER COLD!!

 Noah's neighbor Andrew joined us..he is in 5th grade.

 Alright time to go inside 40 minutes in the cold is enough for everyone!! Time for some hot chocolate and warm fire!!
Side Note: This mug with the squirrel was given to me at bunco last year ..kind of a joke with the lady who made it. She would feed squirrels at her house by hand...they had names. Lol. She is a super funny lady.

Silly goose!!

First day back to school today also. The girls were excited to go back to see their friends and I was excited for them to go back as well. The summer is so much more fun then winter break...swimming, parks, lakes, much better!! Can't wait for summer!!

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