Wednesday, January 4, 2017

December 25th (Christmas @ our house!!)

                                                 Looks like Santa came!

Addie's stuff...she really wanted this Monster High girl.
Ella is really big into make up right now so that is what she got...along with both getting bean bag chairs!!

She is one excited, happy girl waking up at 5:30!! Ugh...I finally got up at 6:30!!
Ella is still a little tired.

New beanie boo turtle that she has been wanting for years.
New earrings.

Kristoff figure. She loves olaf and the movie.

Tic tacs!!

New earbuds.
Earrings for mommy.

New basketball of her own finally from Daddy...he picked this gift on his own for Addie and the Rapunzel doll for the bath tub for Ella. What a sweet Daddy.

"The Day the Crayons Quit"...the book she really wanted!

Shopkins Legos.
Penguin russion dolls...Ella got Sock Monkeys.
New books.
Super excited about swims in the water.
New Jammies.
Adelyn's big gift I got her was the old school "littlest pet shop"....I got them off ebay. They are from when I was little! So awesome..she loved them especially the little turtles, her favorite animal.
Memory cards with our families pictures on them!

Mayva is a little tired. Hahaha.

They each got mermaid blankets!! Ella's s blue..her favorite color of course.
Ella's big present!! My loving family doll house. 
I sure love craigslist finds!!

Furniture for her doll house.

Daddy got boat shoes that he wanted and a washer set finally to use outside in the summer.

I got a new blanket, jammies, fancy coach sunglasses and Andre's case of champagne!! Yay Nick you did great.

She loves the doll house.

Family Jammie Picture 2016
Took a break to eat a big breakfast with my parents and brother that came over to celebrate with food and gifts.
Back to more presents!!

 My parents enjoying everyone opening their gifts.
New can crusher for Nick.
New glasses also.
Monster high lego set...she was excited.
Ella got a sophia the first tea cart..she loved it.
Lego's from Grandpa A.D. but he was sick so he wasn't there.

Uncle Stephen.
Ella got a cd/radio player for her own room. Super excited..she loves to dance.

 Hmmm what should she play with??
New microwave...ours finally broke after all these years.
 I wasn't in many pictures but received beautiful new champagne glasses and moscow mule glasses with shaker. So excited thanks mom.

Playing washers in the house!
 Round 3 Uncle Jeff, Aunt Sasha, Great Uncle Steve, Grandma Mary ann, and Nana Sherri came over to celebrate after my family left.
Adelyn got more legos and a picture frame to color.

 Ella got huge wiffle blocks!! Yayaya!! They are bigger than the ones I had as a parents still have them. The kids were super excited...but Uncle Jeff may have been more excited!
Nick opening our gift alcohol and chocolates.


 Building a fort around Ella.

Love this photo of Nick and Ella.

We got Uncle Steve a new Royals and Chiefs shirt.

Look how cute she is and happy!

Lol...look at that silly girl.
Break it Ella!! 

Wow that was a whirl wind of a morning. 
Waking up earlier than normal. 
Opening presents with super happy girls...which is my favorite part.
Then making a huge breakfast along with having my family for Christmas. 
Then having Nick's family.
Super tired and would love to take a nap, but I don't have stop my parents house.
(Side Note: Adelyn got hit with a block from Ella...and so she took a long 2 hour nap and is not very happy since she woke up early and has a hurt shoulder!)

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